Ignite Music Mag – Moon Fever Feature
Starting off as a Rock N Roll band is not easy task to begin with. But when we pile on a year of uncertainty and hardship all over the world, that would only make the climb up the musical ladder only that much more difficult. Mitch tells us, “I wouldn’t say it was harder to get started during the pandemic because its always hard to do this. Its very rewarding and very fun. But it takes a lot of work and that’s what makes it art.” Not only is it tough in to make it to the big leagues in this genre, it can also be hard to set yourself apart from so that you don’t become just like the rest of them. When it comes to leaving their unique stamp on the genre that will NEVER DIE, Cody explains “We want to make it modern. Rock R Roll needed the younger generation to come in and combine new and old. We need to get away from trying to sound like our heroes and sound like ourselves. Yes, that’s who we learned from. But we need to do it without being and sounding exactly like them.”