During this epidemic, Moon Fever has been busy getting ready to blast off!
To get you caught up, here’s some of the recent reviews, news and interviews!
- “Moon Fever are staring down destiny with almost the same attitude a lot of their forerunners in the Rock genre did, and as a result are sounding more ferocious than a lot of their similarly-hungry peers in and outside of the American underground”. – Music Existence review of ‘Undertaker’
‘Undertaker’ has been added 2 Spotify playlists!
- ‘Undertaker’ has been added to Tunecore’s Spotify – New Music Friday playlist and debuts @ #5
- “Undertaker” has been added to Pandora’s New rock Now playlist, debuts @ #5
- “Undertaker” has been added to Loudwire’s Spotify “Weekly Wire” playlist
Frank-O is going to feature “Undertaker” on his “New Music Stash” show on 96.7, KCAL-FM (Riverside, CA) TONIGHT! – The feature is at 8:00 pm PST / 10 pm CST / 11 pm EST – https://www.kcalfm.com/frank-o/
Music Injection posted a Feature about ‘Undertaker’: here
- Rock @ Night: https://www.rockatnight.com/
2020/10/moon-fever-puts-out-a- spooky-video-toxic- relationships-and-halloween- go-together/ -
‘Undertaker’ is featured on this year’s New Music Food Truck Syndicated Halloween Radio show, it’s the #3 track on the show: https://www.newmusicfoodtruck.com/copy-of-menu-show-78-10-29-2019
- Gigsoup has published a feature on ‘Undertaker”: https://gigsoupmusic.com/pr/
moon-fevers-tale-of-bad-love- sends-them-to-the-undertaker- just-in-time-for-halloween/ - “Moon Fever’s fluidity in their musicianship is something I really wouldn’t have expected out of a rookie indie rock crew had I not already heard “Fever” and “Shaking off the Evil” earlier this year, and if it’s indicative of their standard as a group, they’re going to be on the commercial side of things sooner than some would anticipate. They’re letting their chops as players do all the talking, which isn’t something I can say for many of their rivals at the moment”. – Review of ‘Undertaker’ has posted @ Indie Shark: https://indieshark.com/music-
reviews/moon-fever-releases- undertaker-single/ - The “Undertaker” video has been officially accepted & added to IndiMusic TV and trending at #1: https://indimusic.tv/m/videos/
view/Moon-Fever-Undertaker- Radio-Edit - The Rocker’s Life Interview posted!
- Review of “Undertaker” has posted @ Medium
- Metal Nation has posted about ‘Undertaker’: https://metalnation.com/moon-
fevers-tale-of-bad-love-sends- them-to-the-undertaker/ - Music Existence has posted a review of ‘Undertaker’: https://musicexistence.com/
blog/2020/11/09/single-review- moon-fever-undertaker/